November 5, 2020
The police could not do to much with so many on the streets.
All of London should have hit the streets,
The Lockdowns kill more people, then the so called virus.
There may be lots of cases, but that does not mean a thing.
Healthy people are testing positive. They are not sick or contagious.
The Nurse has a lot to say about what is happening in the UK.
There is also information on the fact that there are no government documents, to prove the virus has been Isolated. In other words it does not even exist. Stay away from the vaccines they are not vaccinating against the virus. It is impossible to vaccinate against something that does not exist.
A Nurse from the UK Blows the Whistle on Covid
If you have a problem with videos not playing or it looks like they don't exist check this post.
Some Videos are Messed up in some Browsers.Not sure how many
What everyone should know about the PCR testing
PCR Covid 19 Tests are Worthless
There are a couple of videos that everyone should should check out. One is from 2013 Since then what she said is what happened in most countries. Carbon tax is one of them. Yet another scam perpetrated on the world.
Information for US Citizens on Covid Everyone else might want to know as well
Masks will make you sick, in more ways then most know. Throw the bloody things away.
Ask the question: Why do they want to make more people sick? Everything they have done makes more people sick. They are not saving anyone.
Masks are just not a good thing
Atlas talks about how many have died from measures taken, but they did not die from so called Covid. I think that can be applied to the entire planet.
Scott Atlas Interview
These are a few important links There are more in the archives. From September to now is all about Covid.
- The “Smoking Guns” of a Manufactured Pandemic
- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: International Message for ...
- For the Irish and it could come to your country too
- Covid Lawsuits against Governments
- They Don't Want You to Know Any of This
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