A story to ponder before you watch these Videos
I know a man, who for many years thought he was something, he in fact was not.
He was in very sense of the word a Bigot.
He like many loves to hate.
He thought he was better then others simply because he was White.
Many times I heard him talk about Jews as Hitler had done.
I heard him talk about Aboriginal Indians and how awful they were.
Each time he spewed his hate and rhetoric, I of course had to giggle to myself.
I listened to his propaganda, his ignorance and his messages of hate.
I however was rather amused by all of this.
Why you ask?
I knew his true heritage and ancestry.
He however, never knew his heritage or the ancestry of his family.
He was raised, believing he was White and Pure as the Driven Snow.
He lived through out his life assuming, he was something he was not.
Not that his parents ever told him this.
His parents for the sake of survival never proclaimed their heritage or ancestry.
In those days to be an Indian or even MΓ©tis would mean you were treated much like the Palestinians have been treated. Being Jewish of course could also mean persecution.
A double edge sword of hate and lies would fall upon you.
You may never get a job or if you did it would for a pitons, of what you were really worth. You were by all standards would have been treated badly.
His parents for the sake of survival denied their heritage, their ancestry was left a mystery. Simply by never mentioning it.
They never condemned or promoted hate, to the contrary they were accepting of all races, or religions. They believed everyone could and should live together in peace in spite of their differences. They did not teach hate to their children.
So as this man, would spew his hate or his beliefs which were build on a foundation of falsities, I was amused at his foolish pandering of White Supremacy beliefs. Even his extended family aunts, uncles, cousins, etc never knew the truth of their heritage or ancestry. Some of them were as bad as he was.
There did however come a day when the "truth" was told.
Oh to have been a fly on the wall, of each and ever one, of their homes, who thought they were so Superior. To see the dismay of it all. To relish in the revelation, of enlightenment, that they were in fact, the people they had hated and condemned.
I still have to smile, to this day, as I remember that moment of “Truth” being “Unveiled”
So the next time you look in the "Mirror" ask yourself "Who am I really"?
Occupation 101 Part 1
Occupation 101 Part 2
Occupation 101 part 3
Occupation 101 Part 4
Occupation 101 Part 5 : Why Hamas won the election.
Occupation 101 Part 6 Aphartide and US Supporting it. Media manipulation on the facts.
Occupation 101 Part 7 : Israel breaking International Law :Geneva Convention :US funding to Israel
Occupation 101 Part 8 Israel Weapons : Check Points : Schools: Unemployment : People Die at Check Points
Occupation 101 Part 9 The New Berlin Wall: Propaganda (brainwashing):
Occupation 101 Part 10 wrong part ten
Occupation 101 Part 11
Rachel Corrie - Interview: Rachel Died at the hands of an Israeli Bulldozer driver. She was trying to protect a Palestinian Doctors home from being Destroyed.
Rachel Corrie Memorial in Gaza - Days After Her Murder
Friends of Rachel and supporters attempted to erect a memorial and plant flowers where Rachel was killed days before, and were met by the Israeli Defense Force armored personnel carries, tear gas, and bullets.
In 2009 Israel continues to Destroy the Lives of those in Gaza.
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